d.a.r.k (dumbass roadkill)

D.A.R.K is a band from the northern part of sweden Skellefteå . The band came together in 2003 when Erik Persson,Magnus K..ck and Leif Marklund started writing songs in Erik,s studio. 2009 is d.a.r.k Magnus,Erik and löme , the most of the time right now we spend in the studio but we working hard so we can get out on the streets again. All of the members d.a.r.k has worked with have a background of some sort in the music business and they have all worked with music for a long time. The band members d.a.r.k has worked with is Magnus K..ck - Lead singer, Erik Persson - Base, Rickard 'L..me' L..fstedt - Solo guitar and song, Leif Marklund - Guitar and song, Christian Gellin-Guitar (christmas time) Stefan Strömberg-Drummer, Mickael Nord - Drummer, Stefan Gellin-Drummer (christmas time) Tobias Edman from Ume.. has produced a video fore the song wampire.The entire video was recorded in Ursviken,in an abandoned industrial area. Because of all the different backgrounds musically the productions are a real blend and from that we got our own sound. ps: The name D.A.R.K was created by Erik Perssons wife who basically thought we were no smarter than road kills a few adjustments and voila! Dumb Ass Road Kill.... D.A.R.K fore short

Homepage: http://www.myspace.com/dumbassroadkill

Genre: Rock

Band members:

  • Magnus Käck
  • Erik Persson
  • Löme

Fans: 0 pcs

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